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We will be selling a variety of designs made from wire. These include, wire dogs, horses, faces and a mother's day special designs. Structures will be sold either spray painted or in plain wire, as a result of consumers choice. Please refer to the above slide show for previews of our product.

Our mission statement has specific goals that we would like to achieve. The following is our mission statement:

Our company, Haywire, strives to achieve certain goals in the Trade Show endeavour. Our company’s financial goal is to reach our break-even point with an additional $25 profit, which they will achieve through moderate and reasonable spending of materials. Our second goal is a teamwork goal, which is to split any given work that relates to Trade Show evenly among us. We will do this through open-mindedness to the task at hand. Our third goal is in relation to academic achievements. We wish to receive at least an 87% average on all written assignments, we will achieve this through our hard work and dedication to the Trade Show project. In conclusion, we will put forth our utmost effort in trying to achieve the above goals.

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